Thursday, February 18, 2016

E - Art Sale

The time has come for my E-Art Sale, a wondrous thing!  Scroll down to see my latest body of work available to purchase.  Here you will find a diverse range of Kelly Patton original paintings (and one enhanced giclee).  To inquire about purchasing please email me at
I am happy to ship anywhere and would love to answer all of your questions.  And as always, thank you for your patronage and for keeping the magic happening.

  Stag Beetle Harp
Oil on Wood, 7"x10"

Celestial Owl
Watercolor and Gold Leaf, 12"x18"

Jabberwocky Hunter
Watercolor,  4"x6"

Cheetah Shrine
Watercolor and Gold Leaf,  5"x5"

Days' Eye
Watercolor, 4"x6"

Mirror Passage
Oil on Canvas, 18"x 24"

Star Oracle (Enhanced Giclee)
Enhanced Giclee, 3 paintings (2 @ 16" x 20" and one @ 48"x36")

Oil on Canvas,  18"x24"


River Memory
Oil on Wood,  7"x10"

Watercolor,  4"x6"

Pinecone Spirit
Watercolor,  4"x6"

Watercolor, 11"x14"

Friday, February 5, 2016

Art for Musicians and Entymologists

I came across wild stag beetles in Germany. As I handled them and observed them walking on an oak tree, I fell in love with the delicate animal. Their giant horn-like mandibles are not strong and sharp enough to take off a finger, as one might think. In fact they are very gentle and use their mandible to remove other beetles who are invading their territory on the tree. They just pick each other up and throw one another, its pretty funny actually.

The trick to these Winsor and Newton water mixable oils is to use the glazing medium and glaze layer after layer for a luscious and luminous effect.

Many, many hours later the painting is done.  It usually takes me days to do a piece like this.  I am working in such detail that I need to take breaks to come back and look at the painting as a whole.  Things that need to be fixed or touched up are more obvious when your head isn't spinning from staring for hours at a picture. 

Mandibles arched into a Lyre
Notes strung into golden wires.
Walking on tiny segmented feet
The Beetle'll be humming the key of C.

On the darkest of nights, these are the golden hours.  Email me to inquire about purchasing my newest painting, "Stag Beetle Harp"

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Photoshop and Watercolor Process

I am used to just winging it when it comes to painting, but this time I tried a more controlled approach.  My vision was of a fox spinning gold inside his winter home, where he could feel warm and cozy.  Here's the process behind the painting, "The Golden Thread" -- a sequence of photos taken for your wonderings.  I left little notes here and there about what mediums I am using and what the heck I'm doin' drawing with crystals.  Never a dull moment out here in the woods. 

Prismacolor colored pencil on bristol.

4B Graphite pencil on bristol.

Here I am transferring the pencil drawing onto the watercolor paper.  I lay tracing paper over the final drawing, ink it and flip it over where I coat the tracing paper in graphite.  I flip it graphite side down onto the watercolor paper and begin to trace over my lines with a crystal wand.  The wand is comfortable to hold and rolls over the lines smoothly.

This view.  These colors!  Out the window of my foxes den!

I wanted to get the most luminosity from the watercolors as possible, so I had to plan ahead with the color scheme in photoshop first.  This took away some fear because I was playing with colors that I had not yet worked with.  It turned out to be really a fun process.

A friend of mine recently told me how much she loved working with parchment paper and watercolor.  Do a wash, wrinkle the paper and lay it over the wet wash.  Set books on top and when dry, peel off and be marveled!

Working with the first layer of color wash.  I love love love watercolors! 

Drawing in the details with a squirrel hair #5 brush.

Adding gold watercolor to the frame designs.  

I had a nice texture behind the piece by using parchment paper, but it felt too empty at the bottom of the image.  I took kitkitdizzy fern leaves and painted them with gold and brown acrylic paint, then stamped them into the piece. 

Complete!  A thorough experiment in control over watercolor, and I loved the process of using photoshop to map out the colors.  Final piece measures 11" x 14".