Thursday, November 19, 2009

Greatest discovery this year...

Phantasmaphile, my absolute favorite blogger has been one of my daily internet haunts for over a year now. She has opened my eyes and inspired me by sharing her love for art, mythology and psychology. It has been one of those strange instances where you have many parallel interests with someone, but I am sure I am not alone saying so about this writer. I wanted to touch on a few gems that I found irresistable and inevitably inspiring.

Myth and Psychology: Joseph Campbell

Magical author: Trinie Dalton

Bad-ass female surrealist Remedios Varo

Subconcious expert and Portland artist Theo Ellsworth,

I was fortunate enough to receive a little spotlight for my paintings on phantasmaphile earlier this year.
That was a good day...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pressure printing

My good friend Dave was nice enough to spend a Sunday afternoon with me working on a type project. He is such a generous guy and loves him some letterpress. So we went to work and had a collaboration.

My Grandpa kept a type cabinet in his basement as a sentimental reminder of his days at the publisher. He passed away around 7 years ago, and I recently discovered the type collection while visiting my grandma in Colorado. She loves butterflies, so as a thank you for willing me the cabinet, I combined his fascination for art and letterpress type with her butterflies. *sniff* sappy, but feels great to do.

Rust and Yellow

My Grandpa's type, arranged on the plate.

I drew an outline of a butterfly on yupo paper and cut out shapes for two runs of color. We took the paper cut out and stuck it with adhesive to the roller on the press. When the paper was sent through, only the shape of the butterfly and a little static around the edges appears. Dave printed two runs to show two colors in different sections.

Final Print

Dave, thank you thank you thank you th....