Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Turkish Angora Envy

He will be mine someday! Multi-colored marbled eyeballs to match.  I'm calling him/her in but not after I travel somewhere for another minute and fill up a sketchbook.

Monday, February 4, 2013


My adventures in California o'er the past 3 years could fill the average decade.  I discovered herbalism, alchemy and falconry, forested at the fungus foray, practiced violin, traveled around Europe twice, swam in the Yuba river and her emerald waters with many beautiful friends, and fell in love.  All because I said yes to living in the woods! 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Full Moon Mushroom

I was delighted to create this super magical painting for my friends Corrinne and Daniel. It looks like an imaginary fairy tale, and the beauty of this couple is they are both incredible artists and real elves living in the Sierra foothills! Both nature lovers and musicians, it was easy and a pleasure to depict these two frolicking through the forest. A glimpse into a lifestyle that many people indulge in, on the ridge.